Course of Barista

Informació del curs
This course has been carefully crafted to teach you all the barista skills you need to kickstart your career in the coffee industry. Through hands-on training behind your own barista station, you'll learn how to produce the perfect cup of coffee every single time and have the knowledge to talk about it like a professional.
Want to learn about the fascinating world of coffee, develop your barista skills, or open your own coffee shop? Whatever your goal, the Barista Course has plenty to offer.
Become a highly skilled working barista in just 5 days
Learn brewing methods, latte art, coffee flair, and much more
Hands-on training with expert instructors
Learn the core skills needed to kickstart your barista career. This module covers calibrating the grinder, proper use of the equipment, and using fresh milk to produce foams for cappuccinos and macchiatos. It will also touch on health and safety practices, customer service, and an introduction to coffee flair. You will learn how to balance coffee aromas and how to taste specialty coffee.
Introduction to coffee
Get an insight into the world of specialty coffee and become familiar with the process of coffee production, including bean extraction and how different flavours are developed through roasting. This module also covers brewing methods - from espresso to French Press, Chemex, and AeroPress - as well as how to use coffee in cocktails.
Brewing foundation
In this module, we will introduce you to the theory, techniques, and equipment required to produce delicious brewed coffee. You will study the seven different processes involved and practise using different equipment to test your skills. This module also includes coffee tasting and a cappuccino and latte art session.
Barista skills (intermediate)
During the final two days of the course, you'll gain a deeper understanding of coffee and perfect your newly acquired skills. The aim of this module is to ensure that, as a barista, you can create a perfectly balanced espresso and identify acidity, sweetness, and bitterness. You will also develop your milk-handling techniques to produce attractive latte art patterns. You will practise efficient working processes and making drinks of high quality to order while following the correct procedures. Finally, we will focus on customer service, designing your own business model, and examining profit and costs.
Put everything you've learnt into practice with the EBS barista exam which includes both theory and practical tests to make sure you have a solid understanding of everything we have covered over the course of the week. Upon passing the course, you will be awarded an EBS certificate.
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Trucada gratuïta de dilluns a divendres de 9h a 20h
Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix
You will learn:
- The ins and outs of coffee equipment
- Different roasting methods, coffee types and history
- Specialty techniques including AeroPress, Chemex, V60, Filter, and French Press
- How to match grind size, brew time, and coffee to water ratios with roast type and origin