MBA International Management
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MBA International Management
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90 crèdits
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The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in International Management is designed for professionals interested in deepening and expanding their knowledge of management. This MBA program prepares you to be successful in a constantly changing environment, offering the tools you need to keep growing and keep developing as a successful professional in the global business world.
The program requires the successful completion of 90 credits. The program consists of 4 groups of courses common for all Masters, from which students may select the desired subjects to study: Core Courses, Elective Courses, Master Thesis and the Orientation Courses, which are mandatory to complete the selected major. Beyond the principal Business modules offered within each major, an example of some of the Orientation (Specialist) subjects can be found below:
- Corporate Social Responsability
- Branding and Brand Extension
- Venture Strategy Management
- Production and Operations Management
- Managing and Financing Innovations
- Leadership for Management and Business
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Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix
18 months, 90 ECTS.
- Gain problem-solving management expertise.
- Obtain private and public market management analytical skills.
- Discover the ability to analyze business structures.
- Identify areas for implementation of new theories and methods.
- Design and build new management strategies.
Titulació obtinguda
Master of Business Administration with a Major in International
Avantatges del curs
- Transfer Opportunities: We offer our students the option to transfer for a semester between our Geneva, Barcelona and Madrid campuses
- Internships: We provide the access to internship opportunities in national and international companies and organizations
Lloc on s'imparteix el curs
Geneva, Barcelona, Madrid and Online Campus.
MBA International Management
Geneva Business School
Campus i seus: Geneva Business School
C/ Pelai, 42