Postgraduate Degree in Real Estate, Construction & Design Management

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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Postgraduate Degree in Real Estate, Construction & Design Management
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15 crèdits
Preu 2.775 €


Managers and senior managers in companies associated with the real estate and design industries have, at present, one of the most challenging tasks when it comes to managing, with professionals with high added value in terms of knowledge and experience, the resources allocated to their projects and ensuring utmost efficiency and optimisation.  
With the Postgraduate Degree in Real Estate - Construction & Design Management, you will further your knowledge of Creative Business Management, Design Project Management and the creation of business plans that will help you control all aspects of a project. Our aim is to turn you into a true project manager and business expert in the world of real estate and design.
Professional profiles such as project manager are in high demand in today's business world, because they combine, in one highly qualified profile, an understanding of how to manage the resources and time available in construction, projects and design product creation. 
With this postgraduate degree, you will receive the training necessary to become a certified project manager with the Project Management Institute (USA). 
Throughout the quarter, you will receive advice and guidance from professionals with a view to achieving your personal and professional goals and building your awareness of the professional opportunities available, in order to make the most of your postgraduate studies. 
This programme is closely linked to the city of Barcelona, its companies and Architecture and Creative Design professionals. In addition to lectures, the programme also includes seminars by renowned professionals, visits to top-level companies and a highly diverse teaching body. 


Module 3
  • Entrepreneurship and Creative Enterprises 
  • Finance and Asset Management in the Design Sector  
  • Where are the Customers?   
  • Industrial Customer Management in the Construction and Design Sectors  
  • Design Project Management - Project Management Institute  
  • Foro Discussions
  • Mentoring & Business Coaching  
  • Job Opportunities 
Project 3
  • Conferences
  • Real Estate and Business Sector


  • Students with a university degree (with or without work experience), preferably in Architecture, Engineering or the field of Creative Design.
  • Architects, engineers, product, graphic and creative designers and anyone who works professionally in the industry, construction or real estate sectors. 
  • Professionals interested in enhancing their management skills in the areas of Marketing, Sales and the internal management of corporate resources.
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Students must attend a minimum of 80% of the theoretical-practical classes. All students will be assessed during the module. At the end of the Module, the student will defend the dissertation in front of an academic and/or professional committee, which will contain sector specialists and experts.

Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix



  • To turn Architecture professionals and professionals from the creative and industrial sectors into true managers and businesspersons in their field.
  • To understand current professional challenges and the changes resulting from becoming a senior manager/executive in the field of Architecture and creative professions.
  • To form a true symbiosis between the university world and business.
  • To promote the personal skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • To teach students how to manage the everyday aspects of creative enterprises.
  • To provide students the knowledge and vocabulary needed to become a senior manager/executive with university-level technical/creative training.
  • To be able to create a strategic Business.
  • To make decisions in a qualified, strategic manner.


Course director: Phd. Maria I. Gabarró. Course coordinator: Phd. Ana Cocho. Academic teaching staff: This Postgraduate Degree includes roughly thirty lecturers from the world of creative enterprise management in both the public and private sectors. Their professional experience will provide you the knowledge and tools necessary for managing a creative enterprise in a host of different sectors.
Postgraduate Degree in Real Estate, Construction & Design Management
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Campus i seus: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Derecho
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Humanidades
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Edificio Alfa-Campus Barcelona, Inmaculada 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Carrer Josep Trueta, s/n 08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
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