Course Touch-typing

Informació del curs
Touch-typing is a skill in high demand, but choosing the right touch typing training is vital. Ours is the very best – and the Pitman Training name on your CV is worth its weight in gold.
With our typaz online course we'll increase your work-rate and help you learn to touch-type at up to 20-40+ words a minute; what a difference that will make to your productivity and daily work!
With centres in handy locations and a course advisor always on hand to give you help and support when you need it, Pitman Training offers training that's designed to fit around your needs.
The typaz software works with you and adjusts automatically to your individual learning path and the course workbook lets you keep the information from your touch typing lessons for reference; a handy guide to your step-by-step progress.
And you can progress even further if you move on to our Effective Business Communications or Microsoft Office courses. Pitman Training also offers a comprehensive range of specialist secretarial diplomas that can help maximise your career and earning potential, such as our highly respected Secretarial Diploma.
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