Doctorate in Business Administration

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Geneva Business School
Doctorate in Business Administration
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Presencial | On-line
240 crèdits
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Innovative education Made-to-measure programs. During years one and two of your doctorate, you will undertake 6 self-study courses through our innovative online learning platform. These are designed to equip you with the skills you will need for your business research project during your third and final year.
This project could focus on a real-life business situation, or a problem that you are dealing with in your current work situation. It could also be a business idea that you want to explore or focus on, or current ideas that are impacting the industry you are working in.
Throughout your time at GBS you will be supported by the DBA Program Coordinator and the program team in Barcelona. In your final year you will also receive direct support from an experienced professional who is in the same field of interest as you.
Once the project is complete, you will present it to a panel of experts in your field.


The program requires the successful completion of 240 credits (which represent roughly 2400 hours of work). The program consists of 6 courses (15 ECTS), 2 ´check in´ assessments (5 ECTS) and the final thesis (140 ECTS). The six courses are:
  • Management Research Perspectives
  • Developing Business Intelligence
  • Problem Solving Using Qualitative Research Methods
  • Problem Solving Using Quantatitive Research Methods
  • Contemporary Issues in Business
  • Reflecting on Business Practice

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3 years, 240 ECTS

Titulació obtinguda

Doctorate in Business Administration.


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Doctorate Fees: Application Fee: 150 euro (Non-refundable, paid upon application). Administration Fee: 1.900 euro (One-time fee, refund of 80% if the entry visa or the residence permit is refused by the Visa Authorities). Tuition per term*: 3.900 euro (Total 3-year program / 9 terms*) (Refund of 100% if the entry visa or the residence permit is refused by the Visa Authorities). One year: 3 terms.

Lloc on s'imparteix el curs

Geneva, Barcelona and Online Campus
Doctorate in Business Administration
Geneva Business School
Campus i seus: Geneva Business School
C/ Pelai, 42 08007 Barcelona
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