Master in Finance

Informació del curs
EADA Business School Barcelona is a full partner with the CFA Institute and our International Master in Finance has been developed together with leading financial institutions.
Our one-year official Master in Finance degree is specially designed to prepare graduates from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds to pursue an international career in finance. EADA is the only top-ranked business school in the city centre of Barcelona and offers a unique methodology based on small, multicultural classes.
Master in Finance participants learn how to assess investment opportunities and undertake financial analysis before developing the tools to perform complex valuations, understand the process of M&A, manage the risks associated with financial instruments and manage portfolios of investments. In the third trimester, students have the opportunity to specialise in a strategic tracks: corporate finance or investment banking.
All of this combined with our executive professional development programme at the Residential Training Campus provides Master in Finance participants with the critical thinking skills and leadership abilities necessary to succeed in today's global business world.
Your year at EADA is a transformative experience. The Master in Finance positions you to reimagine and pursue your highest aspirations – both personal and professional.
The programme prepares you for all three levels of the CFA exam, the professional qualification of choice among top investment firms including Bank of America, BlackRock, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo.
From the very first day, you dive deep into the world of finance. You develop the critical thinking skills to analyse and perform well in even the most demanding business situations. Expert faculty and carefully selected case studies mean that you leave with a firm grasp of latest professional practice and the strategy to apply it effectively.
Core finance courses
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Mathematics
- Financial Products & Markets
- Advanced Financial Analysis
- Business Analysis & Planning
- Company Valuation & M&A
- Derivatives
- Ethics & Professional Standards
- Financial Modelling
- Global Compass: Geo-economics & Geo-politics
- Portfolio Management
- Private Finance
- Risk Management
- Strategic Management
- Thomson Reuters Certification
- Fundamentals of FinTech
- Python & Tableau
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
- Empirical Methods in Finance
- Behavioural Finance
- Derivatives & Hedge Accounting
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Management Accounting
- Real Estate Finance
- Structured Finance
- Global Supply Chain Finance
- Investment Banking
- Hedge Funds Demystified
- Banking
- Day Trading
- Investing In Emerging Markets
- Investment Banking & Dealmaking
Leadership development programme
- Leading Oneself
- Leading in Teams
- Leading across the Organisation
- Leading Oneself in Society
- International Business Trip (optional)
- Sustainability Week
- Company visits, presentations & conferences
- Practical Final Project
- Exchange & Double Degree (optional)
Tailor your master.
The strategic specialisations in the third trimester are your opportunity to explore what you are passionate about and jump start your career in investment banking, corporate finance or FinTech. Tailor your courses to your professional objectives, improving your employability and demonstrating a clear added value to the company.
- Specialise in Investment banking: Develop your trading skills and analyse financial performance
- Specialise in Corporate Finance: Gain the know-how to align financial decision making with strategy
- Specialise in Fintech: Launch your career in digital finance
Learning by doing.
The final project is your chance to put what you have learned throughout the year to the test, integrating theory and practice to solve real-life management problems – from a detailed evaluation of the latest big corporate merger to a comparative analysis of microfinance institutions.
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