Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
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Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
Sol·licita informació
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Oficial / homologat
4 anys
Preu 9.475 €
This Bachelor's Degree which is a highly renowned degree that trains participants to face and solve completex challenges in an increasingly globalized business and marketing environment.
ESIC, is affiliated to Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid and Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Barcelona to offer the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing which is a highly renowned degree within the business and marketing world that prepares participants to face any challenge that may arise in a company.
Complement your official degree with one of these two specialization diplomas:
- Professional Skills
- Digital Tools and Multimedia
- Research
- Finances
- Comercialization
- Sales
- Digital Marketing
- Offline Marketing
- Communication
Students enrolled in the Official Bachelor's Degree in Marketing by URV will in turn receive ESIC's Diploma in Profesional Skills or Diploma in Tools and Multimedia, granting 48 additional credits to those already obtained in the BM syllabus.
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
First Year
First Year
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
First Year
- Marketing Fundamentals
- Company Fundamentals
- Business Mathematics
- Economic History
- Business Sociology
- Business Communication
- Modern Language
- Statistics Applied To Marketing
- Economy I: Microeconomics
- It Applied To Marketing
- Economy II: Macroeconomics
- Economic-financial analysis for marketing I
- Legal Regulation of the Market
- Marketing and Corporate Social Responsability
- Consumer's Behavior
- Strategic Marketing
- Economic-financial Analysis for Marketing II
- Market research I
- Consumer's Behavior II
- Product Policy
- Distribution Policy
- Strategic Brand Management
- Communication and Advertising
- Decision-Making Methods Applied to Marketing
- Marketing and Applied Information Systems
- Prices and Costs Policy
- Trading Techniques
- Relational and Direct Marketing
- Business Start-Up
- Human Resources Management
- Sales Management
- Digital Marketing Strategies
- Market Research II
- Strategic Management
- Marketing plan
- Elective 1
- Elective 2
- Elective 3
- Elective 4
- Elective 5
- Interships
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project
First Year
- Chinesse I
- Critical Thinking
- Anthropology
- Chinesse III
- Chinesse IV
- Multimedia Software
- Creative Mindset
- Creation of Digital Spaces
- Christian Social Thinking
- Business Ethics
- Tangibles-Wearables
- Leadership
- My Digital Fingerprint
Competències per a les quals et prepara el curs
The participants will acquire business knowledge and capabilities, and will learn how to use the proper marketing tools to successfully meet the latest demands of today's business market.
This degree also offers participants access to multiple career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.
This degree also provides participants with access to several career opportunities and trains them to assume managerial and executive roles at any national or international organization.
Student profile: participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.
Who is it for?
- Wants to work in marketing and/or a global and evolving sales environment.
- Logical-analytical and creative capacity
- Interested in digital business
- Leadership skills
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Starting date: September 2023.
Titulació obtinguda
Students enrolled in the Official Bachelor's Degree in Marketing by URV will in turn receive ESIC's Diploma in Profesional Skills or Diploma in Tools and Multimedia, granting 48 additional credits to those already obtained in the BM syllabus.
Perspectives laborals
his degree is a passport to several career opportunities, such as:
Marketing Manager.
Sales Manager.
International Business Manager.
Market Analyst.
Brand Manager.
Business Intelligence Manager.
Customer Relationship Analyst.
Account Manager.
Product Manager.
Trade Marketing Manager.
Avantatges del curs
With the quality and services of a Business School:
Professional development unit.
Language School.
Training in managerial skills.
Entrepreneurial incubator.
Internships and Employment in the main companies of the country.
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
ESIC Barcelona
Campus i seus: ESIC Barcelona
Campus Universitario Barcelona
Passeig de Santa Eulàlia, 2